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Chancellor Merkel and President Sarkozy Rally Forces To Save The Euro

6 Dec

I told you they'd love our proposal. Credit:


Borad Roberta, Treasonous European Correspondent

“The Euro crisis is coming to an end!”, Mr Sarkozy declared. “Chancellor Merkel and I have combined our charisma and political knowledge to devise a solution to the currency problem. We have realised that many European governments haven’t got enough money and have come together to persuade all member states to approve our idea. We believe that if we can license the production of Euros be school children throughout the Eurozone, we can find money where there was none. Now, we know that the idea of creating money from scratch is not a new one, but we believe that with the added concept of using child labour we have found a way to save our union from dissolution, while also giving our children the chance to learn a stable work ethic in a good, safe working environment. Hopefully this experience will guarantee that government deficits in our union in the far future and will also make parents the responsibility of their more mature children.”

Angela Merkel continued, “This idea has the backing of both the French and German people, and we hope we can convince our fellow member states that this is the path to a better destiny. Our children are the future and if we can prepare them for future financial responsibility when they can build good habits then we should be proud, as a union and some of us as parents, of how we have raised our offspring. We have seen similar schemes around the world and have decided to enlist the help of an academic consultancy, the Imperial College branch of SIFE who have a breadth of experience in enforcing child labour.”

The United Kingdom’s Prime Minister David Cameron has immediately proclaimed himself as a staunch opponent to the Merkel-Sarkozy proposition. “I have analysed their argument”, he said, “however we in the United Kingdom believe that this approach is too draconian for the Eurozone countries, a much softer approach is needed. Have a look at the UK, we run a chilled coalition and don’t feel the need to take away our children’s childhood. The public understand that Cool Dave and Naughty Nick are the people’s people. We have experience with finance, as children we grew up with a lot of it, so people trust us to be able to budget sensibly, not like the amateur budgeting of Gordon Brown and Alastair Darling. I prefer the carrot rather than the stick, the people appreciate that …” [David Cameron was then hit over the head by President Sarkozy, who then told him to “Shut up and mind his own economy”]

Americans Protest in Central Park

1 Dec

— New York City, New York

Petter Barrington, American Correspondent

The Great Lawn in Central Park, covered with tents

Thousands of Americans gather in Central Park to protest against democracy

Since Monday thousands of Americans have been heading to uptown Manhattan to take part in a new movement, Occupy Central Park. Today I’ve been talking to a few of the settled protestors to understand their motives. So far it seems that the people gathered here are united with a single purpose, to show their dissatisfaction with the current democratic system of government. In fact, these protestors are calling for an end to democracy in the White House and the introduction of open corruption and dictatorship to the head of the country.

I had a conversation with the leader of the movement, Dick Jersey who elaborated on the ethos of the group:

“… Well Pete, it’s like this. America is hurting, and we the people find the Administration guilty of negligence. However this negligence is not a passing phase, we believe this institutionalised negligence is a result of the poison of democracy. We believe, that it is time for the Federal Government to step aside and allow one man, a politically powerful, well connected and wealthy man, to take control of our blessed country and steer it in the direction of it’s future glory!

For too long we have suffered the indignity of decency, having to always do what’s right in the eyes of the world, being champions of justice and fairness, and now it is our time to prosper. America is a humble and poor nation, we rule the world fairly, often at a cost to ourselves, and we even sell our excess food to inhabitants of less privileged countries, giving them to chance to enjoy American food. However, thinking only of others and not for ourselves is hurting our fair nation, and it’s time to do something about it! We’re calling for change, change to the power structure of our beautiful land.

We need to be lead by one man, a man who has the voice of America, a man who epitomises the pinnacle of tyranny, a man who will put the needs of our nation before his own, a man who will make backroom deals in order to increase our prosperity. Without a dictator we are lost sheep, subject to the whims of squabbling politicians, each trying to shout louder than the other in order to make their voices heard. It will be tough and the change will encounter friction, but if we want to be able to compete with our peers in the Arab States and Africa we will need to evolve and adapt to face this ever-changing world!”

The protestors wish to broadcast their message to the world in hope that they will find comradeship amongst like-minded groups with a passion for activism. They have a well-established groups and pages on prominent social networking websites and the movement so-far seems to appeal to three key demographics in the American population, the unemployed youth, the contrary intellectuals and the uneducated masses. There have already been interviews with self-professed experts in American Law who claim that the right for dictatorship is clearly stated in the Constitution of the United States and that any American worth their salt will back the rising movement.

At the time of writing, the White House has refused to comment on the movement, however as the pressure grows will the political establishment start to feel the tension?

Public Bodies to Implement a Three Strikes Policy

30 Nov

Three Strikes and you're… unemployed! Credit: ZDNet Australia

— London, United Kingdom

Torr RiPolitical Correspondent

With a recent cut in public sector wage rises for the next two years leading to a pay cut in real terms, and a call to reduce public sector pensions, civil servants and other affected parties have gone on strike today. This has forced approximately 58% of schools in England to close today, along with affecting roughly 6,000 routine medical operations. Today’s strikes have also had the effect of increasing the number of middle aged, middle class people handing out flyers on the streets and standing around with neatly printed posters. While this has given printing companies a slight boost in revenue, recent events have caused annoyance for people on the street as they have to put in more effort into not accepting flyers or making eye contact on their way to pick up lunch.

The government gleefully reported that less than a third of civil servants were on strike today, having been sneakily chained to their desks the previous evening after carefully scheduled office parties around the country. However, our sources tell us that these parties were funded by budget cuts in government departments forcing the closure of toilets in all publicly owned office spaces. Needless to say, groggy and disgruntled civil servants were heard to be muttering in rage this morning, angrily sending emails to their line managers, saying how ministers were [sic] “taking the piss”.

After a brief and sparsely attended cabinet meeting this morning, Prime Minister David Cameron is set to announce the implementation of a Three Strikes Policy in all public bodies, starting next January. The idea being that any public sector workers engaging in 3 or more strikes during their career will be politely sent a disparaging letter from the Prime Minister before promptly being fired and replaced by younger, more desperate workers. Upon getting wind of this latest developments, public sector unions such as NAPO are already urging members to strike for the right to strike. However, with decreasing pay and increasing apathy towards life, will civil servants roll with the punches, or take a stand after rushing home for the toilet?

Government Official Causes Misery For Others

29 Nov

— London, United Kingdom

by Roving Reporter


This week A Government Official has caused pain and dismay for Others. Others had this to say about the matter:

“It’s just not on. A Government Official doesn’t understand the effects of his decisions, he doesn’t see how his choices can affect us! A Government Official sits in his ivory tower separated from The Public doing things which he feels necessary to keep his job! I feel upset this is he way politics is run these days, after all you’d think that what with Facebook and all, polls and democracy would be much easier.”

The Public similarly feels affected by the actions of A Government Official, saying:

“I complete agree with Others! Time and time again A Government Official acts without due regard for Others. We all know that politicians have no conscience but I feel that A Government Official is underestimating his responsibilities and the consequences of his actions! I was telling My Mate yesterday that due to choices made by A Government Official I was forced to only smoke one packet of cigarettes this week, after the Policy Instrument that A Government Official put into practice has severely affected my disposable income!”

Listening to the words of The Public one cannot help but sense a real anger towards A Government Official for his supposed lack of care for his duties. Hopefully the government can regain the support of  The Public and Others before the next elections roll around.